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10 Ways Your Home Can Save You Money

It’s worth taking the time to evaluate how your home can save you money; this can be achieved through several different ways, from getting better insulation to improve your energy bills to going green to make your property more sustainable for the future. You can also invest against the value of your home by refinancing and remortgaging, with the ultimate goal of enhancing and benefiting from the work you put into a house.

home value
home value

1 – Better Insulation

Check windows and doors for draughts, and invest in treatments and draught excluders to prevent heat from being needlessly lost. Similarly, consider installing new blinds for windows to reflect UV rays and trap heat – this can help you to save money on your heating bills.

2 – Renovations

Small and large renovations will add your value to your home for future sales, and will also make it more efficient to live in – convert attics and basements into spare rooms to boost value, and make basic repairs and updates to key rooms to keep your property in a fresh condition.

3 – Gardens

Make use of any garden you might have to grow vegetables for the kitchen, or simply grow herbs and other ingredients that can be used in your cooking. You don’t necessarily need a lot of space, but what you do have should be made use of.

4 – Going Green

This approach can mean anything from taking out an energy audit on your home to see where you’re losing money, and what you can do to improve it, as well as making some basic changes – this might involve getting new, energy-saving light bulbs, as well as investing in Energy Star rated appliances for your kitchen.

5 – Refinancing

You can make savings on the value of your home by getting a new mortgage that gives you a better rate; lower interest rates can also be taken advantage of through remortgaging with another provider.

6 – Making Small Changes to Your Household Routine

One way of making your housework for you is to adjust your daily routine in small ways – try not to overfill the kettle, switch appliances off at night, and use less water in the shower and the sink. Together, these changes can add up to greater overall savings throughout the year.

7 – Selling Old Items

If you have a lot of clutter, try to make a profit from it by selling old books and DVDs online or through car boot sales; you can also exchange old electronic equipment for cash, and can sell mobile phones to recycling companies.

8 – Change Your Energy Provider

It can be possible to save money on your energy usage by comparing quotes from different providers; you might be able to take advantage of new deals for the New Year, as well as suppliers that are specific to your local area.

9 – Installing Solar Panels

Although the upfront costs of solar panels are high, you can gradually recoup your investment through savings on your electricity, as well as through government feed-in tariffs that pay you for the energy you produce for the National Grid.

10 – Making Repairs

Keep up to date with DIY around the house by making small fixes – caulk sinks and baths to avoid leaks, and fix faucets to prevent water loss; lights and wiring should also be regularly checked, and exterminators called in immediately if you have any mice or other pests.

4 Ways to Avoid Big Bills for Pest Control

In China, it’s said that cricket in your house is a sign of good luck and future prosperity. But that’s pretty much it for the bugs that are welcomed indoors, and we’re sure that even Mr. Jiminy starts pushing his luck after a couple of days.

pest control bill

Bugs belong outside. Besides giving us the heebie-jeebies if they cross our path inside our own domicile, they can carry disease or even do damage to the structure of our homes. Mice and rats, while genetically far from six- or eight-legged creepy-crawlies, still fall under the heading of “critters we don’t want in our houses” for the same health and safety reasons.

Perhaps more importantly, any damage they do is rarely covered by homeowners or renter’s insurance. But there are some gray areas. Most insurance policies won’t pay for damage directly caused by bugs like termites but may pay for contents of the house if termites do cause extreme damage like the ceiling falling.

The ‘vermin clause,’ according to ConsumerReports.com, is becoming more and more common. It’s not just termite damage that can be excluded. Even costs associated with bedbug removals, such as new bedding or extensive removal methods, may not be covered,

There are several strategies available to keep the bugs out and avoid paying expensive repair bills. These are all inexpensive, especially when compared to the costs of paying for home renovations out of pocket.

  • Don’t make your home inviting. Good Housekeeping recommends making your home less appealing, at least from a hungry and thirsty bug point of view, by cleaning up spilled food on counters or floors or patching leaks or dripping faucets.
  • Remember the perimeter. Vermin are clever, especially as they get older, so they’ll look for any opportunity to cross your threshold. Look for holes in your walls or cracks in your door or window frames. Popular Mechanics suggests patching holes, filling cracks with caulk, or even adding weather-stripping. This will have the added benefit of making your home more energy-efficient and save you money on your utility bills.
  • DIY like crazy. There are plenty of options for homeowners looking to take care of business themselves, like traps, powders, or homemade poisons. But if you’re inexperienced with their usage, they can be health hazards. Popular Mechanics suggests that some vermin may dig in a little deeper to interior walls to escape some toxins.
  • Call in a pro. While the above ideas are all helpful, there’s no substitute for the expertise of someone familiar with pest inspection. Pest control specialists can help you identify problem areas and put together a thorough plan to remove bugs or mice that have already taken up residence. Every home’s situation is different, so every pest inspection plan can be customized. Sometimes, it may require a regular treatment schedule, but even this investment is small compared to paying for the damage that vermin can do.

Read also: Personal Finance and Its Need

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