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How to Get a Tax Job

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A tax job is a great way to earn some much-needed extra money. Many tax preparation companies hire extra workers during the tax prep season, which typically runs from January through May. Some of these seasonal jobs may even lead to permanent jobs beyond April 15th. The first step is to know what to expect and what you need to get the job.

Experience Requirements

The amount of experience you need for a tax job depends on what the job entails. If you are going to be helping people fill out their tax forms, you’ll need some experience in accounting or income tax preparation. Administrative positions such as data entry don’t require any tax experience.

Although, some clerical skills help. The more experience you have, especially in accounting, the better your odds of transitioning into other financial positions once tax season winds down.

Tax Prep Courses

Some tax prep companies prefer experience, while others provide general training. It really depends on how much help they need. Keep in mind that if you are competing for a position with someone who has tax experience, they are likely to get the job over you. One way to give yourself an edge is to take a tax prep course on your own.

Many courses can be found online and aren’t that expensive. Investing a little time and money to take such courses now just might make you a more desirable applicant when tax season rolls around.

It should be noted that you can find some free tax courses too, but you want to make sure the class is reputable. Some community colleges also offer tax courses.

Strategies to Prepare for the IRS Competency Exam that Make It Easier to Review for and Pass the Exam

Thinking about getting your RTRP qualification before the Internal Revenue Services? Then, you must successfully complete the competency examination step.

If you have experience preparing taxes, you’ll need only a quick review course that can give you an edge by organizing your familiar tax concepts and studying your unfamiliar tax concepts.

To be prepared to pass the IRS competency exam, you will need to invest time, but you do not need to invest too much money. You can optimize your time with audiobooks that you can listen to any time, anywhere!

In addition, you can use your intuitive, visually-oriented study aids that provide effective learning tools to help ensure you are well-prepared.

Here are some tips to may want to consider:

Tip 1: Experience working multiple-choice questions with a clock measuring your time before the exam day. Remember, you have less than 1,25m for each question.

Tip 2: For a length question, read the question first, which usually is the last sentence, and then look in the paragraph for information to answer the question.

Tip 3: Eliminate obviously wrong choices, go with your gut, and keep eyes on the clock.

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Smart Exam Strategies for Tax Preparers Planning to Become Registered Tax Return Preparers

Do you HAVE TO take the IRS competency examination? And are you wondering, why on earth is the IRS testing the competency level of people who have been doing taxes for a long time?

You are all right!

The tax preparer industry is changing. Nothing can be done to stop that! Only Registered Tax Return Preparers can prepare income tax returns for a fee after December 31, 2013;

But think long term. If you decide to go along with the new IRS rules, many things can become better for you.

You will know more about the Internal Revenue Code, which will position you as a trusted authority in your field. Your clients will benefit and ultimately your finances will also benefit.

Think about it! The Internal Revenue Code has 3.8 million words and was changed 579 times in 2010 alone. Even IRS agents make mistakes interpreting and applying the Code. This is a scaring fact for many tax preparers who will decide to go out of the tax preparation business leaving amazing opportunities for those who stay on.

So, if you stay on, the competitive advantage of becoming a Registered Tax Return Preparer will pay off for you.

But you have to know the basics. The exam is about basic competence. There is nothing to be so concerned about.

Here are some helpful tips:

Tip 1: Don’t try to memorize tax concepts. Instead, understand them and you won’t forget them.

Tip 2: You only will recall what you studied 15-20 days ago. Don’t be studying for a long time.

Tip 3: IRS-Forms are excellent graphics to help you grasp tough concepts: they are free and available online. So, use the forms when you study the concepts.

Read also: Some Amazing Tips To Save Money and Reduce Tax Burdens

Where to Find Tax Jobs

Employment isn’t guaranteed just because you apply. However, any skills such as recent tax prep training that set you apart from the crowd increase your odds of landing the position. Places to look for tax jobs include:

1. Tax Offices

Many tax offices hire seasonal tax employees. Even if you have worked in tax prep before, you may still be asked to take a proficiency test to confirm your skills. If you pass, you won’t have to go through any training. H&R Block refers to this as a Tax Knowledge Assessment test, but the same general concept applies. The most common tax prep companies include:

  • Intuit
  • Jackson Hewitt
  • H&R Block
  • Liberty Tax

2. Online Tax Prep Companies

Many online tax preparation companies seek tax advisors to provide live help for individuals filing online. With more than 100 million people filing taxes online, tax consultants are more in demand than ever. Common companies hiring online include TurboTax and TaxACT. Some of the walk-in services also hire workers to assist online filers.

3. IRS

The Internal Revenue Service also hires temporary employees for positions including:

  • Data transcribers
  • Clerks
  • Tax examiners
  • Contact representatives

Do a little research and see what the specific requirements are for each job before you apply for a tax job. Even if you don’t get the first job you apply for, taking the initiative to take some tax prep or accounting courses can be beneficial if you are looking for more than just seasonal employment.

Terri Leighton writes for several higher ed blogs. Several universities offer MBA degrees including NEU and RU.

Read also: Top Tips For Sorting Out Your Taxes

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