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Making The Right Sort Of Investment Plan

The first and foremost factor in making a solid investment plan is to ask the right sort of questions and patiently work out your way to build up the answers. Construct an investment plan based on your answers to the questions below and you are sure to land up with good choices.

right investment
right investment

What is the goal of your investment? An ideal investment plan entails a purpose

Ideal investments are chosen with the primary goal of income, safety, and growth. The first and foremost attribute you need to work on is between the following factors:

However, if you are 56 years or older, it is imperative that you create an ideal retirement income plan. This plan is sure to lay the foundation for your future investment plans.

When do you require the money?

Setting aside a time frame and sticking on to it is more important than wondering about how to invest and where to invest. Say, for instance, if you need money to buy a car, your investment plans work out different and do not comply with long term plans that cater to a period of fifteen years or so.

In the first instance, the main aspect of concern would be your account worth during the specific year and in the latter instance, account positioning for growth is more than what it takes than mere assessing its worth.

Do you understand the terms of risk involved? Good investment plans are accounted with optimum levels of risk and comfortable taking

There are a few investment plans that go with level 5 on the Likert scale; where you have abundant chances of losing all the money that is invested. These investments are extremely risky for most individuals.

An easy mode of risk reduction is to diversify the plans. Despite the aspect of diversification, you might experience enormous swings in the risk value, but you do not run into a state of total loss.

How much can you invest? Ensure that your investment plan specifies the money to invest and the frequency of investment

There are numerous choices of investment that deal with minimal amounts to start with. So, even before you actually draft an ideal investment plan, you got to decide the amount you can invest. Can you invest amass? Or do you have to shell out at regular investments?

There are mutual funds that help you deliver accounts as low as $4,000 and then go ahead with as low as $100 per month. There are options where you can check in money from your checking account directly to your investment account.

How do you prioritize investment choices? You can never create an investment plan without a lack of understanding

Many of us tend to start off with the first. It is wise to frame a list of choices that point down to your goal laid. After which, you can analyze the pros and cons of each plan. Next, narrow down the choices that you are thoroughly confident about.

Investments You Should Make Immediately After Marriage

When you get married, you and your partner should both make some good investments together, so that your married life is free of financial stress. These investments go a long way in ensuring that you are both safe and secure during bad events, and are also saving money alongside in a way.

Here are some of the most important investments that you should make together as a couple, immediately after you get married:

Invest In A House

All this while, you may have been living in a rented space either alone or together. However, when you get married, both of you should start building a very important asset – your own house. Work towards achieving this goal by taking a home loan and then gradually clearing it together.

Make sure that both of you take this step together with proper commitment, as if even one of you loses your job, the other person might find it difficult to handle the repayment on his/ her own. So make this decision wisely.

Invest Gift Money

During your wedding, you may have received a lot of money from friends and family members in cash form as gifts. Invest this money in a Fixed Deposit or a similar scheme. If nothing else, start off with a joint bank account with that money, so that you can both start reaping the benefits out of it.

Moreover, this bank account can act as the main account for both of you to put in your savings, from where you can plan your family financial decisions.

Invest In Small Assets Regularly

With whatever money you happen to save from your individual salaries, put a major chunk of that in the joint account you hold together. With the rest of the saved money, you can start to invest in smaller assets together.

These could be bonds, mutual funds or even gold. You can buy some golds each month from your saved money. As these appreciate in value with passing time, they always come in handy later on in life.

Invest In Life Insurance

This could either be Couple Insurance or Family Insurance. The main point is that it should be able to cover both of you, in case you meet with an accident. Moreover, in case one of you passes away, then the other person can still benefit out of the insurance and will have some safety and financial security in hand. This is one of the most important steps in starting married life together.

Besides this, couples must realize that they should invest in things that will stick with them for long. They need to get out of their student habits of buying second-hand or cheap goods, and instead invest in proper things, such as a good TV, good furniture etc. step by step, as these build a home. With proper savings and investments, one can gradually improve their standard of living, by focusing on one thing at a time.

Familiarize Yourself to Various Types Of Investments

Due to the innumerable triumph tales of many investors, investing has now become a very popular topic amongst people on the streets. As more and more are getting inclined towards investing, there are a lot of people who are clueless as to how and where to start.

Where should there invest the money? How would they invest the money? Who should they contact? All these questions are certainly going to occur in the minds of beginners.

When we talk about investments, almost all people think that it can only be done in one way. If you go around asking random people what is it that is needed to become an investor, almost all of them will give you the same monotonous answer: Money. Do not get me wrong, money is certainly important, however, there is another aspect that is equally imperative i.e. Time.

For people who do not have thousands or millions of money to invest, time can be a trade-off for that. Though it may sound better and simpler, keep in mind that time has a big drawback – Once gone, you cannot get it back. Money comes and goes but time lost once, is lost forever. Let’s take a look at a few methods –

  1. Anyway, the most common and easily accessible kinds of investments are stocks. When you buy a stock, you become a partial owner of the company. You are not exactly given the legal rights to manage and run the company; however, you have the privileges to select or pick a representative to the board of directors. And majorly, you are entitled to the earnings of the organization and thus you will obtain surpluses or dividends if they are accessible.
  2. Investing in properties is another common form of investment for the future. A lot of people choose to invest in properties for financing educational costs in the future. Whereas others choose this type of investment to safeguard a more financially secure future or some may merely choose to invest in properties as a means of generating passive income so that they do not have to solely depend on their mainstream occupation. There are a lot of commercial spaces in BKC which have attracted a large number of investors. With Mumbai continuing to expand as the commercial capital of India, investing in this city is a wise decision to make.
  3. Bonds are another kind of popular investment that you may be involved in. possessing bonds means that a company, organization or government has to borrow a certain amount of money from you and in return, they have agreed to pay you an interest apart from the amount of money you have loaned them. Thus bonds are securities that are attached by debts.
  4. For people who are not very comfortable with taking risks, investing in mutual funds is the best option for you. In mutual funds, cash is joined together from diverse investors in order to pay a qualified fund manager and choose the best safeties and securities for the group. Since your money is being divided into various types of investments such as stocks, bonds,  foreign investments etc., the danger of losing all your cash becomes relatively lower.

There are yet a lot of other types of investments available in the market such as Gold, FOREX etc. but the above-mentioned ones are the most widely used and the most popular ones. In the end, all investments come down to two categories i.e. Debt (Bonds) or Equity (Stocks).

Investment may seem tricky and complicated so for the beginners, it is better than you first strengthen your financial foundation before you gamble and risk all your hard earned money.

Should You Invest in a Private Equity Fund?

The following advice is for investors who are considering their next moves when it comes to investing capital and specifically discusses the suitability of a private equity fund.

Where to Invest?

Despite the well-publicized problems still being faced by the world’s economy, there still remain attractive opportunities for people looking to invest in various sectors. Whether you are an experienced investor or are new to the game you could make great returns on investments both at the end of 2012 as well as into next year and beyond.

When it comes to investing, for many online trading is a great place to start, while for wealthier individuals they may look at investing directly into business themselves, especially if they have an impressive track record of commercial success themselves.

One commonly used avenue of getting into investment is by placing your capital in a private equity fund. We looked at private equity funds and whether they could be a potential investment for you. If you decide to invest capital in this manner, it should be fairly straightforward as most funds are always looking for new investors.

Getting Involved

There are various types of private equity funds in operation at any one time, so how are you going to find the best one for you? A lot will depend on your previous experiences as well as how much capital you are able to put into a fund at any one time. For wealthier individuals, private equity funds are often not a favorable idea, unless they can gain a lot of say in how the money is invested.

Again, this is dependent on experience mainly, and also decides whether or not you decide to join a fund that seeks out specific businesses.

For example, if you have made your personal fortune out of clothing production, it is only natural that you may seek out private equity funds that look to invest in similar manufacturing companies.

At the same time, the alternative is to look for general private equity funds that simply invest on a general basis in promising businesses, although this may limit the opportunity for hands-on involvement if this is something that appeals to you.

For Inexperienced Investors

If you are new to investing, then it may be worth simply seeking out a private equity fund that aims to invest in businesses that provide a low risk, low return scenario. Taking this approach often helps new investors to understand how private equity firms work, without taking the risks often associated with other investments.

Once a person is comfortable with the investment process they should then look to a fund that takes greater risks, should they be happy to do so.

Read also: Managing the Risks of Overseas Transactions

The Five Best Ways To Invest Your Money And Why

Deciding how to invest hard-earned money is not an easy task. Some investments that seem safe are actually very risky, while others are designed only for people who have advanced financial experience. Several stable investment options are available that provide good returns. Investors will want to consider five of the best ways to invest money today.

Treasury Bills

Treasury bills are issued by the government. Buying a bill is equivalent to making a loan to the government that will yield interest over time. Treasury bills last between three months and one year.

The advantage of treasury bills is that they are backed by the government making them very safe. The short term of the bills also means better liquidity, although returns tend to be lower than some riskier options.

Certificate of Deposit (CD)

A CD is a note issued by a large bank. Banks pay interest on the CD when it matures. The term of a CD can range from one month to five years. Longer terms yield more interest. CDs are attractive because they have higher returns than treasury bills. Although CDs are generally safe, that will not give you the returns that you could get from stocks and other investments.


Stocks are a good investment because there is the potential for high returns over the course of several years. Stocks are easy to purchase and manage. It is important to understand how to invest money in stocks safely in order to get the best returns and hedge against risk.

Stocks offer the ability to diversify investments so that money is protected from individual company movements. Stocks are a staple of many portfolios.

Mutual Funds

Mutual funds have the potential to bring in high returns. These funds are collections of different investments that are actively managed. The composition of the fund could change regularly.

The advantage is that mutual funds often produce higher returns than indexes or individual holdings. The drawback is that there is a higher amount of risk. The key is to find a reliable and professionally managed mutual fund.

Employee-Sponsored Retirement Accounts

A good way to invest money is to contribute to an employer-sponsored retirement account. Employers will match contributions each year up to a certain amount. This automatically doubles any money invested. Additionally, 401k accounts and other variants enjoy many tax advantages that can save money after retirement.

Good investing means keeping a diversified portfolio. It is never wise to put all money into a single type of investment vehicle. Money should be spread across many secure investments with minimal exposure to high-risk options. This will ensure stability and good returns.

4 Ways To Play Around With Spare Cash And Make Money

If you have plenty of cash lying around you don’t have to tuck it all away for a rainy day. There are the things you can do with it to keep it pretty safe. Your bank account has to be the worst one, but there are a few others where you’ll get a small return.

What about if you want to live a little riskier and reap more of the rewards? You don’t have to fly to Vegas and stick it all on black, but these days you can have a little fun with your extra money and try to earn more.

They will obviously take a little more work, but you’ll definitely enjoy yourself. Let’s have a look at some of the things you can do that could make you some great money.

Buy some rental property

The housing market isn’t booming at the moment and if you’re careful you can pick up some rental property at unbelievable prices. When everyone else is trying to avoid something it just takes someone with a bit of confidence to drop it and start clearing up. That’s where you will come in.

If you do manage to choose the right one it could change your life and set you up for the future, but if you mess up it could leave you broke and sleeping underneath the freeway. I wouldn’t jump into this too quickly if you have no idea what you’re doing unless you enjoy roadkill, but if you find an opportunity you can’t resist it could work out great.

Start trading

Trading is a little like poker. It’s a game of skill. You obviously won’t be able to guarantee what will happen, but if you do your research properly and know what you’re looking for you can make some great money. If you wanted to get started on something less complicated you could maybe learn about penny stocks.

There are people all around the world that do this full-time and make great money doing so. If you’re not sure about what to do you should obviously start very small and only play with money you can afford to lose. It’s definitely not some get-rich-quick scheme that will change your life overnight.

Start a business

If you have the extra money lying around you could take it and start a small business to run in your spare time. There’s nothing more exciting than trying to make money as a hobby and dipping your feet in the entrepreneurial pool of opportunity. To make it easier for you it’s better to do it online, then everything can be run from your living room at night.

If you don’t want the hassle of building something up on your own, buy a website that’s already making some profits but the owner doesn’t have the time to take it up to the next level. It means you can pick it up cheap and be turning a good profit in less than a year.

Become an investor

There are some people out there that make huge amounts of money by investing in businesses they think will become huge. Imagine how the first investors at Facebook are feeling these days. They probably can’t take their wallet anywhere because it’s too heavy to carry. Instagram was just acquired by Facebook for over a billion dollars.

Silicon Valley is growing every year and as technology changes, there will be a steady stream of businesses who hit the big time. It’s going to be exciting being part of this game.

It’s a risk, but then so is putting your money in stocks and people still do it. Invest in companies you believe in and not only could you make good money, but you’d be helping to change the world.

Identifying The Best Investments

For those investors who are eager, but possibly lacking in experience, it can be incredibly difficult to make the right investments. During the course past decades, you may constantly have struggled to identify the right areas.

Given the fairly changeable global economic situation, plenty of seasoned professionals have been encountering exactly the same problems. So how can you go about ensuring that you make the right investment decisions this year?

The first thing to say is that you are unlikely to find any real shortcuts to success. This may well come as disappointing news, particularly if you had expectations of generating massive returns with a minimal amount of effort. The truth is that you’ll need to make good use of time if you’re to find the best opportunities.

Researching your options

Although some would suggest that carrying out research can be rather boring, my own view is that it really needn’t be. It’s important to concentrate on your end goal. Once you start to see that effective research pays dividends, it’s natural that you should look at the situation in a more positive light. In short, great research can help to make you a lot of money.

Stocks and shares

The Stock Market provides an essential focus for many investors. Given the circumstances that have been witnessed over the past decade or so, it’s fair to say that holding shares has been something of a rollercoaster ride. Professional investors would suggest that such investments are all about the long-term.

Even when there is economic uncertainty in the air, there are opportunities to be found. In fact, some businesses will continue to thrive, despite the adverse conditions that you might imagine will hold them back.


Buying bonds are often seen as putting your money into a safe haven. Although it may not be a particularly exciting prospect, particularly given the low yields that are available to you, investing in bonds may provide a sensible means of balancing your portfolio.

Some investors are currently judging that bond returns are so low that they would provide to invest elsewhere. As ever, there has to be a consideration of the risks involved. Given the nature of the situation within the Eurozone at present, some would even question whether bonds represent a totally safe option.

The property market

The global financial meltdown caused many people to look again at the property market. This area, which many people believed that they fully understood, suddenly started to be associated with fear and losses.

Should this put you off investing in property? My own view here is that it’s absolutely critical that you should understand the nature of any investments. This is particularly true of property and means that you need to think carefully about whether individual properties are likely to appreciate in value.

It’s also important that you should think about the annual yield. Do you really want to really on the capital appreciation that may never actually emerge?


Pessimists would undoubtedly suggest that this year is a bad time to be investing, given the overwhelming sense of uncertainty. The truth is, however, that there are some good opportunities available to those who take enough of an interest.

Your task will be to identify the options that are right for you.

Read also: Is There Still Time To Get in on the New Gold Rush?

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