Sometimes in order to get ahead, we have to go in debt. There is nothing wrong with investing in your future, especially with student loans. A lot of people realize that they are going to have to get into some type of debt after they attend college; there is just no way around it at times.
What is in your favor is that you have a lot of time to pay back your student loans, yet you are going to want to try and pay them back as soon as you can. This article can help you figure out how to pay back your student loans in a shorter time than you think.

Have you ever heard of refinancing your mortgage? Are you aware of how refinancing works? If you are, then student loans consolidation service should not be a new term for you. For the uninitiated to student loans, Student Loans Consolidation service consolidates small education loans into one big student loan. This big student loan is used to pay off the amounts on the smaller student loans.
How do students gain out of this service?
The consolidation service gives students the peace of mind to pay off only one big loan and that’s where it stays. The last thing students want when they are studying is their mind wandering off between paying the installments for their multiple loans. This service makes life for earning students easier and has already gained popularity amongst students.
How does this service work?
Let us assume that a student has multiple loans taken for his education. If he is tired of struggling between payments for different loans, all he has to do is to consolidate the loans into one big loan. This big loan is available at a negotiable interest rate and hence would be available for students to pay off the small loans.
The one key thing to be noted about this consolidation act is that student and parent loans cannot be consolidated at all. That said, even multiple loans from parents can be consolidated into one big loan. The only difference is that one parent loan and one student loan cannot be combined under the consolidation service.
How to Pay Your Loan
Calculate how long it is going to take you to pay back your student loans. Whatever that number if you are going to want to try and cut it in half. This is a good way to think about how to cut back the time you are going to spend paying back your student loans.
If you have estimated that it will take you a total of 10 years to finish up, then you are going to want to make it your goal to pay it back in five. When you set a goal like this for yourself you will free yourself of that financial obligation to pay back your loan every month in a shorter amount of time than you previously thought.
What this will do for you is it will make you wind up paying less on the loan as a whole since you won’t be paying back as much interest.
Consider picking up a second job for a couple of years. The extra work and sacrifice will allow you to put a large chunk of money toward your student loans. This is a good way to have a second source of income coming in that you know you are going to use towards your debt.
It is a great thing to pick up a second job because then you do not have to worry about spending the money you normally make on paying off your student loans; you can just do it with your second paycheck.
When to consolidate your student loans?
Start asking questions on what is the best possible time for you to consolidate your student loans. Please note that you cannot consolidate your loans till the time you are in school. It is safely assumed that while you are in school, your education is not complete and hence repayment for the loan cannot start till then.
If you are having a hard time paying back your monthly fees when it comes to student loans, then you are going to want to consider consolidation. This can lower your payment and your interest rate, and you can save so much money.
Of course, you need to investigate terms as always, but this is usually a good option. Loan consolidation is a good thing because you will help yourself spend less money every month paying back your loans. This will give you a little breathing room for yourself, and you can then figure out a way to pay back your loan once it is consolidated.
Try your best to pay back your student loan as soon as possible. If you are serious about paying back your student loan then you will make the necessary sacrifices in order to do so. Hopefully, you have taken note from this article, and you will take the advice from here seriously so that you can pay off your student loans on time.
5 Things to Consider Before Taking Out a Student Loan
Going to college is expensive. Unless you can get scholarships, grants, or your parents have set aside a fund for you, you are likely going to need student loans. Getting student loans is not difficult, but there are some things you should know before you apply.
Federal Loans
The first step is to apply for a federal student loan as early as you can. Filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid will let you know much you qualify for in terms of Pell grants, unsubsidized loans, and unsubsidized loan.
Filing on the Federal level first is always your best bet because the interest rate is lower than private loans, you get a deferment period of 6 months after you graduate before you have to start paying it back, and repayment terms are longer than many private loans.
Unsubsidized vs. Subsidized Student Loans
With an unsubsidized loan, the government starts charging you interest from the time the loan is initially disbursed. Subsidized loans are based on need, and you do not pay any interest on those loans while you are in school. You can decide how much of each type of student loan you want to accept, but your school will decide how the money is applied to your financial aid account.
Private Loans
Private loans are only a good idea if you cannot get enough money in federal loans to cover the cost of your education. Private loans have a higher, and often variable, interest rate. Like all types of personal loans, your credit score determines the interest rate of the loan. If you do have to get a private student loan, it is a good idea to have a consigner with a high credit score. Many banks will use the higher credit score of two people to determine the interest rate.
Determine Your Needs
As financial expert Suze Orman says, “student loans are the worst kind of debt.” One big problem with Federal student loans is that they are not dischargeable if you file bankruptcy. If you hit hard times financially, those student loans will not just disappear. A good rule of thumb is that you should not borrow more than the estimated first year starting salary for your intended profession.
Projected Job Market
The last thing you want to do is accumulate debt and then not be able to find work after you graduate. Look at the projected job market for your intended profession and try to pick a career that is expected to grow. If you do not choose your profession wisely, you could end up unemployed with massive student loan debts weighing you down.
Almost everyone will tell you that student loans are a necessary evil if you want to go to college. However, that does not mean student loans are bad. You just have to be wise about how much debt you are willing to accrue and limit your use of loans so that you only borrow as much as you truly need.
If you have any other options to help pay for college, then use them first. Remember, the less you borrow, the less debt you will have to pay back.
7 Student Loan Debt Repayment Options
A weak job market trend, overshooting costs, and tuition fees coupled with unfounded guarantees have led to the creation of the huge debt burdens for students everywhere. This kind of burden gets in the way of growth as well, considering that the ones who are to build the future are the ones who have to start out the race of their careers with a financial limp.
The type of debt relief available is dependent on what kind of plan you have and it is mostly in the form of changing the payment plan that you are currently under. Here are a few options you can consider if you have been unfortunate enough to have the problems of student debt apply to you.
You can make paying your student loan obligations much more simplified by consolidating them into a basket liability where you take a new loan to discharge your old debts. However, you need to have done some adequate research to endure that this works out to be a viable option for your needs.
A forbearance is essentially a scenario where your lender allows to stop making payments or to make reduced ones for a set period of time, given that you have a valid reason (such as ill health, unexpected hardships, etcetera) and you meet the prerequisites to do so.
Deferring your loan allows you to postpone making payments on your loan due to reasons such as unemployment or returning to education. Interest does not accrue on the deferred amount for the period that you stop making payments.
A deferment or forbearance can be a great way to buy yourself time to get your act together and then making payments in full only when you are fully able to do so.
Extending repayment period:
A simple way to make it easier for you to cover your costs is by increasing the period over which you pay back your debts. While it sounds easy and attractive, the catch here is that you will get to make smaller payments but the longer term of payments means you have to pay a larger overall amount over the entire period.
Financial hardship related:
There are several options for payment for those undergoing financial hardship. There are income contingent and income-sensitive repayment plans that take into account your ability to pay and then modifying the terms of payment accordingly.
Cancelling student loans:
In a rare number of cases, you may be able to get your loans terminated entirely, in a process known as cancellation of loans. This is possible only with a certain few kinds of loans and if your circumstances very specifically match certain criteria. It is also not certain that the entire amount will be canceled.
Discharging loans in bankruptcy:
Student loans are generally difficult to discharge in bankruptcy. The onus is on you to prove that it will be an undue difficulty for you to repay these loans and judges have a hard time believing that you qualify for this option. Under the special case of Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you may be able to repay all or part of your student loans.
Student Loans for Students Without Jobs
Whether a student is employed or not, his needs will almost always be the same. The hardest part about being a student is that when a need arises, particularly when it deals with money, not very many people can actually extend help. Students’ friends will also be students, and generally, they are in a similar situation – so many needs but very limited funds.
Students attending universities and colleges live alone independently, mostly in a place far away from home. Students usually struggle between balancing school and making ends meet. It is also during this time that students are challenged to put into practice their discerning abilities, especially as they make choices.
Normally, when in College, students experience financial challenges; financial difficulties would be the more fitting words to use. It is often during these times when delicious or nutritious food is sometimes sacrificed, coming second only after books or school materials, simply because there’s not enough money.
There would be times when students will have to miss going to the movies, or eating out, or bringing someone on a date, or purchasing much-needed sweater or jeans, simply because they can’t afford them.
However, these experiences, taken in the right perspective and dealt with squarely, mold a person into someone who is responsible emotionally, as well as financially. All these experiences will prepare anybody well to face the world prepared and up to the challenge.
But what happens when an unemployed student comes face to face with a financial crisis that needs to be met immediately? Where do they normally turn for help? For some, a loan for unemployed students is the answer.
3 Types of Loans for Unemployed Students
This is a special type of loan lenders have specially designed for college students who are unemployed. This type of loan is very similar to Payday Loans. This is also at times referred to as Instant Loan, probably because it’s very easy to avail, like “in an instant!”
There are three (3) types of loans under the Loans for Unemployed Students:
- Cash Loans for Unemployed Students.
- Personal Loans for Unemployed Students.
- Car Loans for Unemployed Students.
Cash Loan
Cash loan requirements include proof of employment (for part-time jobs), good credit rating, if available, and a guarantor.
This type of loan can be accessed by students online. To apply, the student has to fill up an online application form. The lender performs a background check. Credit history, if any, will also be checked, as well as the students’ academic background.
Personal Loan
Personal loans are secured loans. The principal amount should be settled or paid in one to six months.
Additional requirement includes collateral, something of value, like jewelry, or even a car. The rate of interest is calculated based on the loan amount, the value of the collateral, and the length or duration of the loan.
Car Loan
Car loans are secured loans. With a student car loan, a co-signer who has a good credit rating will be required by most lenders. To meet this requirement, students may ask a member of his or her family to act as co-signer. The interest rate on this type of loan is not very high.
Another option that the student may explore is to contact directly a car manufacturer or dealer for unemployed loans. This is a much better option compared to getting a loan from a private lender, who may charge the student exorbitant fees and charges.
Some lenders are willing to give out car loans even to students because in case the borrower defaults or is unable to pay his loan, they can always repossess the car and sell it to recover the amount of the loan.
Come Out of Troubles Created by Defaulted Student Loans
Loans are definitely big issues in life. You take loans to resolve different financial difficulties of your life, but often the situation turns against you and you fall into many more difficulties. Yes, loans are borrowed with deals where you get to return the amount after a certain period of time. If you fail to do so, then you start facing multiple troubles. Especially, when you are stuck with the difficulties of defaulted student loans your life becomes horrible.
Your credit scores drop
The most important thing about your financial life is your credit scores. The better records you have the better safety you get. However, when you fail to return you borrowed student loan amount right on time, your credit scores start dropping. It means the assistance of having other financial supports reduce a lot.
Your professional life comes in danger
After finishing studies it is quite obvious that you will move towards your professional life. However, if you stay busy with these defaulted loan issues, you will not be able to concentrate upon your professional life. Even, your professional license can get seized by the complaints of the lenders.
Your get disturbed
The day you get defaulted, from the next day your lenders start disturbing you all the time. Sometimes they call you to remind you of the loan amounts and sometimes they visit you to talk about the matter and clear the issues. So, your personal and professional life encounters troubles.
Wage garnishment is the biggest disturbance one gets in this situation. This is a punishment given to the individuals, who get defaulted. Here a certain amount from the paycheck of the defaulters get deducted and goes to the account of the lenders directly.
Yes, all these matters drop you into big troubles. However, you can anytime try to overcome the situation.
Contact your lender
To come up from the debt burdens, the best way is to contact your lender. He is the right person who can show you the way to pay off the installments at ease. Well, there are different ways, suggesting which he can help you come out of the defaulted student loans troubles.
- If you have no job for which you are getting troubles in repaying the loan amounts, he can offer you a job in his organization. You can work and pay off your debts easily.
- If the installment amounts becoming heavier for you, you can ask him to help you out. He can suggest you multiple ways to ease your loan burdens, like
In this scheme, all your outstanding loans are added together, so that instead of many you can pay just a single installment in each of the days.
In this scheme, your repayment dates are delayed, so you get more time for preparing yourself financially strong before returning the amount.
There are different rehabilitation programs available, whereby paying easy installments you get to return the amount in a better way.
So, what are you waiting for? Resolve your debt issues at best and live a better life.
Basic Information Of Unemployment Fund For Students
In case you are a full-time student and have maintained a steady full-time or part-time job, but then got fired, you are still eligible to receive money from the unemployment fund for students, known in Denmark as a-kasse studerende. Sadly, students have a much harder time qualifying for the unemployment benefits from the unemployment fund for students than the ordinary adult worker.
How to Entitle For Unemployment Fund?
In order to be eligible to receive money from this fund, you will have to find the balance of attending both the job, your classes and still have time for your home assignments and studying.
Failure to maintain such a full-time job and not even searching for one, however, is a reason good enough for some countries to disqualify you from the eligibility for the fund. However, there is some important information that you should know about the unemployment fund for students and the benefits that you can get from it.
First of all, there are circumstantial criteria. There are many insurance programs that will pay benefits for unemployment to workers who have had a job and haven’t been fired, but there is simply no work for them to do.
Of course, in case the student has been fired or has just left their job, they will most likely not qualify to receive benefits from the unemployment fund for students.
There are also cases when the worker has left their job for a good cause. If that is the case then they probably will be recognized as such and therefore made eligible to receive benefits for their unemployment.
However, in the case of students, quitting the job because it interferes with the school is not that good of a reason and in most countries, students probably won’t qualify for these benefits if they have left their job because of school.
Monetary Criterion
There is also a monetary criterion. All the students that work part-time jobs and are still eligible to receive the benefits from the fund will get benefits that will be smaller in amount than those of the students that have worked full-time.
Also, the wages that you have received during the time when you were working are included in this criterion. In most countries, the smallest amount of money that you should have earned is $1000. Depending on how much more than $1000 your wager has been, you will receive the proper benefits for it.
There are countries that recognize only wages higher than $2000. Depending on where you live and what your wages were, the weekly benefits that you can receive from the unemployment student fund might vary from $100 to $500 and more.
You shouldn’t forget that in order to qualify for the benefits, you have to be actively searching for a job and you should always be available for offers for employment that suit your set of skills. This is where students are considered inferior to the adult worker.
Most countries recognize that studying takes a larger part of the time of the student and therefore students might not be able to search actively for a new job, which is one of the main requirements for receiving benefits from the unemployment fund for students.
How to Avoid Debt after College
It is so easy to fall into debt after college, regardless of how much money you can make. Most college students don’t know how to spend their money correctly, so they end up wasting it on frivolous purchases. If you are in college now, there are some steps you can take to avoid being in debt after graduation. Here are some tips to help you manage your money.
Avoid Student Loans
The biggest cause of debt after college is student loans. They are so tempting when you have bills to pay in school, but then they end up costing a fortune later on.
Do you really want to be paying the government back for the rest of your life? I didn’t think so. Try to find as many scholarships and grants as possible before settling for student loans. This will help you stay afloat easier.
If you have to get student loans, try to pay the interest on them while you are in school. This may not seem like much savings, but it will be over time.
As interest piles up, it makes the loan value bigger. That means that the interest you have to pay will be even more next time. You need to focus on keeping the principle on the loan as low as it can be.
Only Finance When You Have to
If you can save money for a car instead of financing it, do so. This will not only save you from having to pay on the loan after school, but it will also lower the cost of your interest. If you cannot pay for an entire car on your own, at least try to use a hefty down payment.
That way the overall value of your loan will be as low as it can be. Use this same theory for anything else you may want to finance, like furniture or home. The more you can save, the better.
Understand Your Budget
You really need to get an idea of the money you are spending each month. How much do you spend eating out, getting fuel, paying tolls, buying clothes, and doing everything else you want to do throughout the month? Is that amount conducive to your current income?
If you are living above your means, you need to find ways to reduce your spending habits. Make some adjustments to your lifestyle to avoid getting into trouble.
If you can follow the tips above before and after graduation, you won’t have to worry about falling into debt in the future.
Read also: Money-Managing Methods For College Students